Student Tuition Fees 2024-2025

- For new students, a place is reserved at the school on payment of the student fees. Places are confirmed on a "first come" basis. Once a place has been confirmed by the payment of the student fees, the place is guaranteed.
- Term 1 fees are due for payment by Thursday 22 August 2024 on behalf of existing students. For all students, Term 2 fees are due for payment by Thursday 05 December 2024 and Term 3 fees are due for payment by Thursday 13 March 2025.
- The discount of 10% for multiple siblings (brothers and sisters, not cousins) applies to all children in the family. A further discount applies for 4 or more children.
- The same student fee rates apply from Reception to Year 13.
- British and other foreign nationals must pay in GB pounds or the equivalent amount in US dollars or Euros.
- Only Algerian nationals may pay in Algerian dinars.
- There are no initial or annual registration fees, equipment deposits or capital contribution fees. Fees include tuition, lunch, electronic books, stationery (pencils, pens, paper, copy books, rulers etc) and exclude home-school travel, school uniform and external examination fees. A contribution to the cost of school trips may be requested.
- When a family leaves, for example moving from Algiers to another area, notice of at least half-a-term must be given to the school. Refunds will only be given on a half-termly basis.