British School Algiers

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Founder's Message

Since I first visited Algeria in the early 1970s, I have come to regard Algeria as my second home.  So, having spent all my professional life in education, I am delighted that there is now a British school in Algiers.

In March 2020, the Algerian and British Governments agreed a Memorandum of Understanding which allowed the establishment of the first British School in Algeria, offering a British curriculum to the children of British, Algerian and other foreign nationals.  Whilst the medium of teaching is English, central to the School's mission is its respect for Algerian culture and the teaching of the Arabic language.  We are the British School in Algiers.


Having opened on 2nd November 2020, we are now in our fifth year.  We have gained ‘British Schools Overseas’ (BSO) status, awarded by the British Department for Education (DfE) after a rigorous inspection by UK inspectors.  We deliver an excellent Cambridge curriculum together with stimulating, quality teaching which has established a learning culture that embraces best international practice.


Our students are developing a global perspective which is one of empathy, tolerance and inclusion.  Acting with integrity and treating everyone with dignity, irrespective of position, are fundamental principles on which the School is based.


The School is for students from the age of 4 to 18 years old.  We are growing steadily towards our goal of having two classes in each year group.


Students at the BSA come from over 40 countries, including Algerian families returning home.  Just over half of our students are Algerian.


I owe a debt of gratitude to many from the British Embassy and the Algerian Ministries.  However, none of this would have been possible without the support of the parents, children and staff of the School, who have placed their faith in this endeavour.


I am delighted to welcome you and your children as members of the British School Algiers community.

Graham McAvoy
