British School Algiers

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Parent-School Agreement

British School Algiers


89 rue Mohamed Boulouh

Gué de Constantine



0560 91 52 26


School-Parent Agreement


British School Algiers, on behalf of Eurl Alligan Algerie, represented by Mr Graham McAvoy, acting in his capacity as Founder, or his Representative, hereinafter referred to as the “School”

On the one hand,



The parent or the legal representative of the student(s), hereinafter referred to as the “Parent”


On behalf of the other party,


It has been agreed and determined as follows:




1        The British School Algiers is the first British international school in Algeria.  It opened on 02 November 2020 following discussions between the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the British Embassy in Algiers and Mr Graham McAvoy who is the Founder of the School.


2        The School is established by Presidential decree n° 20-262.  The School is classed by the British Government as a British School Overseas (BSO) and as such is inspected every three years to ensure that the School meets the same standards as an independent school in the UK.


3        The Character of the School, its Ethos and Values are set out in Annex A.


4        The School serves children from the age of 4 to 18 years.  The School is organised in three phases; Primary, Middle and Senior.  The following table shows the age at which students are accepted to each Year Group.  Exceptionally, students entering an external exam course may be asked to join the school one Year Group below the Year identified by the table.





Year Group

Age of students on entry to Year Group

Primary Phase











Middle Phase









Senior Phase












Years 12 and 13 are known as the Sixth Form.


Legal Framework


5        The School and the Parents are obliged to comply with the laws and regulations in force, in particular:


  • Ordinance n° 75-58 of 20 Ramadhan 1395 corresponding to 26 September 1975, amended and supplemented, relating to the Civil Code.


  • Law n° 04-02 of 5 Joumada El Oula 1425 corresponding to 23 June 2004, amended and supplemented, fixing the rules applicable to commercial practices.


  • Law n° 04-08 of 27 Joumada Ethania 1425 corresponding to 14 August 2004, as amended and supplemented, relating to the conditions governing commercial activities.


  • Presidential decree n° 20-262 of 27 Moharrem 1442 corresponding to 15 September 2020 ratifying the memorandum of understanding between the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the opening of a British international school in Algiers, signed in Algiers on 09 March 2020.


  • Executive decree n° 05-468 of 8 Dhou El Kaada 1426 corresponding to 10 December 2005 setting the conditions for drawing up the invoice, the transfer order, the delivery order and the summary invoice.


  • Executive Decree n° 06-306 of 17 Chaabane 1427 corresponding to 10 September 2006, amended and supplemented, fixing the essential elements of contracts concluded between economic agents and consumers and the clauses considered unfair.


  • Executive Decree n° 13-378 of 5 Moharem 1435 corresponding to 9 November 2013 setting out the terms and conditions relating to consumer information.


6        In the event of failure to comply with the provisions of these texts, the defaulting party will be subject to the penalties provided for in the relevant legislation.


Curriculum & Teaching


7        The School has regard to the National Curriculum of England.  Students take IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) qualifications in Year 11 and A-levels (Advanced levels) in Year 13.  Most students take IGCEs in seven subjects and A-level in three subjects.  Depending on their grades, this would enable them to apply to a University in the UK, in Algeria or anywhere in the world as these UK  qualifications are recognised worldwide.


8        The School does not offer the Algerian Baccalaureate or BEM. Parents wishing their child to take the BEM would need to register their child externally with the Ministry of National Education.


9        All students learn Arabic.  Algerian History and Geography is incorporated into Arabic lessons.  The School does not teach religion.


10      The School provides much more than solely preparing students for examinations.  The School aims to develop the “whole person” and as such extra-curricular activities are very important to the School.  There is therefore an emphasis on the Arts and Sport as well as Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), Citizenship and Global Perspectives.


11      There is an emphasis on students not only learning about the UK and Algeria but also on developing an awareness of global issues and     seeing themselves as global citizens.  The School is keen for students to learn about, and be respectful and welcoming of, different cultures.


12      The School aims to develop student’s ability to consider what they are learning and to be able to work things out for themselves.  There are continuous assessments, where the priority is on assessing  students’ work in order to give students feedback on how to improve rather than a grade.


13      We follow British teaching methods.  Our teachers are either teachers from the UK      or Algerian teachers who study for UK teaching qualifications, a PGCE (Post-Graduate Certificate of Education) and train to qualify for the UK Department for Education’s “Teachers’ Standards” (QTS).


Arrival at and Departure from School


14      The School gates open at 8.00am.  Students should normally arrive at school between 8.20am and 8.30am.  Students should be in their Form rooms by 8.45am for the start of registration.


15      Any student  arriving after 8.45am is considered as late and must sign in at the Reception desk before proceeding to their Form room.


16      The student’s attendance is recorded in the Attendance Register by their Form teacher during registration and so any student arriving after 9.10am must report to the Reception desk before going to their class.


17      Classes end at 3.30pm for Primary Phase students, at 4.00pm for Middle Phase students and at 4.15pm for Senior Phase students.  After school clubs and other activities end by 5.00pm at the latest.  The School gates close at 5.00pm.


Lesson and Homework Timetables


18      Students are given a lesson timetable which sets out the subjects that the students will be studying each day.  Parents should use the lesson timetable to ensure that their children have the correct books, files and equipment for each day.


19      Students are also given a homework timetable which sets out their homework slots for the week.  The setting of homework enables students to expand their learning and encourages self-motivation and self-organisation.  Students have a responsibility to complete all homework set and    ensure that it is handed in promptly on the due date.  Parents are expected to support their children’s learning at home.


School Uniform


20      All students should wear the official uniform specified by the School.  Details of the School uniform are available from the School Receptionists.


Physical Education Arrangements


21      Physical Education (PE) is an important part of the curriculum.  Students learn and develop their physical literacy through a range of sporting, fitness and health-related activities.  Students are expected to take part in all aspects of the PE programme.  Non-participating students must bring a note from a Parent explaining the medical issue.




22      The School expects the highest standards of behaviour from all students.


23      Good attendance and punctuality are considered to be of the utmost importance.  If you know that your child will be absent on a particular day, please make sure you  email the School Reception ( ) in advance with the name, Year Group and reason for absence.  Similarly, if your child is ill, please email the School Reception giving the details.


School Lunches


24      The School provides lunch for your children and the cost is included in the School fees.  Parents may wish to provide their child with a healthy snack for break time.



School Transport


25      The school does not provide home-school transport.


Learning Equipment & Materials


26      The School issues learning equipment and learning materials to students.  Parents are responsible for the care and attention required of such learning equipment and materials.  The School may charge the parents for damage to, or loss of, School equipment.


Valuable Items


27      Students should not bring any valuable items to school as the School does not accept responsibility in the case of loss or damage.


Contacting the School


28      If you need to contact the School, in the first instance, please e-mail the school receptionists ( ) who will ensure that your email gets to the right member of staff.  If you need to contact the School urgently, please telephone the School Receptionists on 0555 251 971.


29      The School is always keen to meet with parents.  However, an appointment must be arranged in advance.  Otherwise, if parents arrive at School without an appointment, they may not be able to meet with a member of staff.




30      If you wish to make a complaint, you must follow the School’s Complaints Policy.  Firstly, you would speak to the teacher or member of staff concerned to see if the issue can be resolved informally, if the issue remains, you should then contact the relevant Head of Phase.  If the issue still remains, then contact the Headteacher and finally if the issue still has not been resolved you would contact the Founder.  For more detail you can contact the School to request a copy of the School’s Complaints Policy.


Mutual Responsibilities


31      Annex B to this Agreement sets out the mutual responsibilities of the School, Parents and their children.



Photographs of Children


32      Photographs are taken of children in lessons and other activities.  These photos are used in newsletters, displays and the school website.  If you do not want your child’s photo to be used, please let the Reception team know.


Internal Regulations


33      In accordance with Article 3 of the Presidential decree n° 20-262 which sets out the legal framework of the School, the organisation, functioning and methods of operation of the School are defined by the Internal Regulations of the School.  In signing this Agreement, Parents are accepting to abide by these Internal Regulations.


Student Tuition Fees


34      Student tuition fees are published annually on the school website.  The payment of student tuition fees is in GB pounds sterling or the equivalent in Euros or US dollars for British and other foreign nationals.  Algerian nationals pay student tuition fees in Algerian dinars.


35      For existing students, Term 1 fees are due for payment by the last Thursday in August.  For all students, Term 2 fees are due for payment by the first Thursday in December and Term 3 fees are due for payment by the last Thursday in March.


36      Unpaid fees will result in school reports not being issued to Parents and their children not being allowed to join classes in the following term.


37      When a family leaves, for example moving from Algiers to another area, notice of at least half-a-term must be given to the School.  Refunds will only be given on a half-termly basis.


38      This Agreement, binding the two parties, comes into force on the day that it is signed.  This Agreement is signed by both parties in two copies so that both parties retain an original version of the Agreement.


I have read and approved this Agreement, its Annexes and the School’s Internal Regulations.


Signed in Algiers on:


Signed on behalf of the School:

Signed on behalf of the Parent:



Annex A to the Agreement


British School Algiers


Character of the School


  • A two-form entry, co-educational British international school for 4 to 18 year olds. The school does not select children for admission by ability other than to ensure that they have an appropriate level of English.


  • A school that serves children of British, Algerian and a wide range of other nationalities, including the children of the returning diaspora. A school that provides an education based on the UK national curriculum.  The school does not teach religion.


  • A school which is fit for purpose being well-resourced, clean and fully maintained. A place which is safe for children where both their learning and emotional needs cared for.


  • As the majority of students are not expected to have English as their first language, the school provides research-based, highly effective English as an Additional Language support.


  • A school in which many of the teachers recruited are Algerian, who follow a structured professional development programme which supports them in attaining UK Qualified Teacher Status. Meaning that the school is recognised as a "training school".


  • The expatriate teachers are British with experience of teaching in the UK or a British school overseas and who welcome the opportunity to work collaboratively with their Algerian colleagues.


  • A school which develops resilience in its students and provides them with a coherent approach to managing behaviour based on student-staff relationships, together with vocational, aesthetic, creative and extra-curricular activities which go beyond the academic curriculum and widen students' horizons by providing a global perspective.


  • A school where students, parents and staff feel part of a community and where all treat each other with dignity and respect.


  • Our students are encouraged to engage in charity work. By doing so, they develop their capacity to act empathetically, becoming citizens who show awareness of the world around them and who make a valuable contribution to the communities in which they live.


Graham McAvoy



02 November 2023

British School Algiers


Ethos & Values


Our aim is to develop students who will have the education and the resilience to thrive in an international environment.  Teachers help students to do so by demonstrating:


  • their own global perspective; one which is tolerant, inclusive, respectful and welcomes other cultures


  • their willingness to establish a learning culture which consistently seeks out international best practice


  • a professional approach when working with students, parents and colleagues


  • integrity in all that they say and do


  • diligence in application to the challenges that they face


  • the natural capacity to treat everyone, irrespective of their position, with dignity.


Our teachers’ interest in and knowledge of their subject means that they are able to bring their lessons alive in a way which engages all students and so enables them to see the value and relevance of what they are being taught.


All students are given every opportunity to succeed.  The school staff work together in order to ensure that students who may be struggling in any regard are always given the support they need to achieve their best.


Continuous assessment of students’ progress together with friendly, specific, helpful and timely feedback means that students, staff and parents know at any given time how students are performing.


Students take the initiative and responsibility for organising extra-curricular activities.  In this way, they create opportunities for themselves and their fellow classmates to broaden their range of skills and interests.



Graham McAvoy



02 November 2023




Annex B to the Agreement

Mutual Responsibilities


As a School,

We will do our best to ….

  •  Provide high quality, stimulating teaching
  • Develop enquiring minds and a love for learning
  • Offer a broad and balanced curriculum with education which develops the whole person with an international perspective
  • Enable high achievement and examination results to the child’s ability
  • Develop a high level of English
  • Develop students who have a strong moral compass with a desire to make the world a better place
  • Provide a safe environment
  • Deal with any accidents in a caring and effective manner
  • Create an environment where students look after each other
  • Take seriously any incidents of bullying that might arise
  • Praise and reward effort and good work
  • Inform parents/carers of any concerns
  • Listen and respond quickly to any concerns about children’s safety or happiness
  • Respond in a timely manner to any other concerns raised by parents/carers
  • Provide regular formal school reports as per published schedule
  • Provide a range of extra-curricular activities
  • Provide opportunities for parents/carers to discuss their children’s progress (academic & social) with teachers
  • Provide suitable homework when applicable
  • Be polite and respectful to parents

As a Student,

I will do my best to ….

  • Attend school every day on time
  • Wear the correct school uniform
  • Bring the correct equipment for all my lessons
  • Do all my homework to the best of my ability and submit it on time
  • Listen to all adults in school
  • Be polite and respectful to all members of the school community, including admin staff, cleaners and teachers
  • Follow the school’s Code of Conduct
  • Accept responsibility for my own actions
  • Ask for help when I need it
  • Always try my best both inside and outside the classroom
  • Take all letters home and show them to my parents/carer
  • Show commitment to the school’s extra-curricular programme, including trips
  • Talk at home about what I do in school
  • Try things for myself and not give up - ask for help if necessary
  • Talk to an adult if I feel uncomfortable with something

As a Parent/Carer,

I will do my best to ….

  • Send my child to school on time
  • Ensure that my child has a good attendance record (above 95%)
  • Inform the school when my child is absent, using the proper procedures
  • Be polite and respectful with all members of the school community, including admin staff and teachers
  • Make appointments using the correct procedures when I wish to speak to my child’s teacher or other members of school staff
  • Send my child to school with the correct equipment
  • Send my child to school with the correct school uniform
  • Collect my child promptly at the end of the school day
  • Encourage my child to have high standards of behaviour
  • Support the school if sanctions are necessary
  • Support my child’s learning at home
  • Keep the school up-to-date with changes (phone numbers, email addresses etc)
  • Attend school functions such as parents’ evenings
  • Make any payments due on time
  • Support school trips
