British School Algiers

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Primary Phase (Reception to Year 4)

The Primary phase works towards the following mission statements of intent, supporting students to meet the aims stated for both the Early Education sub-phase and Primary phase as a whole.

Mission Statement: Early Education at the BSA aims to foster and develop an interest and connection to the world, learning through investigation to develop initial skills in numeracy, reading and language.

Mission Statement: Primary Phase at the BSA aims to achieve the development and enhancement of the whole child by exposure to a wide range of subjects and learning experiences which develop and enhance their literacy, numeracy and investigative skills and abilities.

The Primary Phase has a maximum number of 20 students per class, except the Reception class where the maximum class size is 12 students.  Teaching Assistants support the Class Teachers.  There are also specialist teachers for subjects including Arabic, French, Music and P.E.  In some Year Groups, some subjects may be organised in sets across the two classes.

The following subjects are taught in the Primary phase:



  • English
  • Guided reading
  • Mathematics
  • Science & Topic
  • Arabic
  • French (from Year 3)



  • PE
  • Music
  • Art
  • ICT (from Year 3)
  • Curriculum enrichment