School Day
Shape of the Day: Ramadan
- Registration at BSA starts at 09:00 for all year groups. Students who are late must sign in at the Reception desk before proceeding to class.
- The School gates are opened at 08:30 and closed at 15:00. The School Reception will be staffed from 08:30 to 15:00.
- Primary and Middle phase students are dismissed at 14:10. Senior Phase leave after P7 at 14:50 from Sunday to Wednesday and at 14:10 on Thursday.
- Staff meetings and/or training sessions take place each week on Thursday at 14:20 to 14:50 in the Dining Area (Floor -1).
- Teachers, Teaching Assistants and Administration staff are required to be in School from 08:50 to 14:50, although it may be necessary to stay later for meetings, activities and staff training sessions as required.